8 - 21 November 2005 Billboard Entrance to the Mersey Tunnel, Liverpool, UK

For further information visit http://www.alandunn67.co.uk/piesnomusic.html

A billboard advertisement announcing  the advent of No Music Day at the entrance to the Mersey Tunne

A billboard advertisement announcing the advent of No Music Day at the entrance to the Mersey Tunnel (Kingsway) and to signify the launch of nomusicday.com

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November 2005 Notice Flux # 51
Flux is a magazine based in Manchester, UK. Flux Space is the inside back cover of the magazine, a space that is given over to a different artist to use in each edition of the magazine. Flux space in Flux # 51 (November 2005) was used to proclaim the existence of No Music Day.
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21 November Observance World Wide but in the Mersey Tunnels in particular

www.nomusicday.com Year one of a five year plan.

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